Rumours have been making the rounds lately about a Battle Royale mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and potentially a Switch game consisting entirely of said mode. While there's no official confirmation Activision CEO Bobby Kotick has used a post-earnings investor call today (transcript on Seeking Alpha) to praise competitor Fortnite for "attracting new gamers of all ages and genders". He also said the following words:
"When we see people innovate in an interesting and impactful way, we are very quick to figure out how to capture inspiration from innovation. When we see things that appeal to our audiences, we are very good at being inspired by those."
This very much sounds like Activision is either prepping a fully fledged Battle Royale game of their own or they are indeed using the Call of Duty brand to push into the very lucrative market. Or both. This is of course still pure speculation at this point, but several Activision executives talk about Battle Royale during the conference call, which makes it all the more likely something is on its way...