Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Adam Jensen actor speaks out about Deus Ex cancellation

"This industry is fucked with this stuff."

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We were all saddened to hear that Embracer had unceremoniously canned a Deus Ex game at Eidos Montreal that had reportedly been in development for around two years. Following the official confirmation, Adam Jensen actor Elias Toufexis took to Twitter/X to give his thoughts.

"If they had been working on a #DeusEx for two years, and they still hadn't contacted me, there's a good chance it wasn't a Jensen story anyway," said the actor. "I'm more pissed for all the people getting laid off. This industry is fucked with this stuff."

It seems like Toufexis is more concerned with people losing their jobs than he is not getting another Jensen gig. We would've loved to see him back as Adam Jensen, but it seems that it simply isn't meant to be.

The loss of this Deus Ex game has hit a lot of fans hard. The IP has been pretty dead in the water for a while, but this latest news combined with yet another round of layoffs is going to give us anything but hope for a return.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

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Deus Ex: Mankind DividedScore

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

REVIEW. Written by Kieran Harris

"It's an experience that conveys choice, with its narrative sculpted around your actions and combat approachable in multiple ways."

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