Apex Legends

Apex Legends receives its 1.1 patch

Progression issues have been sorted and new features rolled out.

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There was a bit of a scare as Respawn rolled out the latest patch for Apex Legends (1.1) with some players reporting a loss of progression. Thankfully, player progression was restored soon enough. The patch itself mainly focused on some quality of life changes and bug fixes. Currently, Apex Legends is running its first season (Wild Frontier).

Below are some patch notes courtesy of the official forum:

Quality of Life:
• Added the ability to party up with the last squad you played with. After the match you will see buttons in the lobby that display the last two people you played with and can invite them to your squad.
• Additional behind-the-scenes improvements for squashing cheaters.
• Added Mute button during the intro and Legend selection.
• When using the Report Player button for PC, you now have the option of selecting Cheat or Other.
• Added informative messages that appear on PC for crashes due to:
Running out of memory.
CPU errors best explained by overclocking/overheating.
Added better collision to the turrets on Supply Ships.
Stability fixes to all platforms.

Bug Fixes:
• Fixed issue where the Battle Pass rewards page would not have a default item selected, resulting in a mostly blank page.
• Fixed bug for PS4 and X1 where sometimes attempting to use a keyboard to chat could cause a fatal script error.
• Fixed bug with Banner Cards not showing up during and at the end of a match.

Jump Pad Phase Walk Interaction:
• Octane's Jump Pad no longer affects players when using Into the Void ability.


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Apex LegendsScore

Apex Legends

REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

"The mix of weapons, the revive mechanic, the excellent design of the map, the fluidity of the controls, and the stellar gunplay all combine to make a slick first-person experience."

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