Football Manager 2009

Average playtime 240 hours

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At a press meeting in Stockholm yesterday, Sports Interactive studio manager Miles Jacobson, revealed some interesting statistics the team had learned thanks to being on Steam with Football Manager 2009. The most eye popping statistic was that the average player spent 240 hours with Football Manager 2009. Yes, that's the average player, not the occasional lunatic on a title that sold in excess of one million copies.

Jacobson also revealed that Europe accounts for about 95 per cent of sales, but perhaps 55 per cent of the actual players. He mentioned that there were about a quarter of a million players of Football Manager 2009 in China.

"And we sold something like 7 copies in China." Jacobson added.

Another interesting statistic Jacobson and the team got out of Steam was that a third of the player base were playing at 1024 x 768 resolution. The team had planned to raise the minimum resolution for Football Manager 2010, but those plans were halted due to this fact.

Football Manager 2010 will be released next Friday.

Football Manager 2009Football Manager 2009Football Manager 2009

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