
Become a beacon of hope in Capes on May 29th

Spitfire Interactive's superhero strategy game debuts on PC and consoles in a couple of weeks.

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We're all familiar with superheroes stopping the bad guys, protecting the people, and saving the day. But what about if that never happened.

The talented team over at the Australian Spitfire Interactive have pondered this very question in their upcoming turn-based superhero strategy game, Capes, a title that sees players suiting up as a collection of powerful heroes tasked with ridding a dystopian city of its evil overlords. Capes is set in a world where the supervillains won over 20 years ago, and since then the city has fallen into disarray and oppression. It's your duty as a new generation of superheroes to come together and turn the tide to ultimately free the people and save the day.

Similar to the likes of XCOM and Marvel's Midnight Suns, Capes uses a turn-based strategy gameplay style, where you have to guide and define each action each character performs every turn. With several highly unique heroes, belonging to a variety of different class archetypes, you will have a whole range of upgradeable abilities and mechanics to master in your effort of teaming up and saving the city.

Soon you'll be able to experience this story for yourself as Capes is coming to PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch consoles on May 29, 2024. With that date coming up quickly, be sure to check out the release date trailer for the game below to prepare and familiarise yourself with Capes before beginning the adventure in a couple of weeks.


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REVIEW. Written by Ben Lyons

Spitfire Interactive takes us to a brutal superhero world in this different take on a turn-based strategy game.

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