
BioMutant still being developed by team of 20 people

We caught up with Stefan Ljungqvist at Gamescom to hear about the progress being made with this project.

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Experiment 101 has been keeping BioMutant relatively close to their chest, but at Gamescom they showed us a demonstration of the game, which has come a long way. We even got to talk with creative and art director Stefan Ljungqvist about the progress, including the fact that the team behind it is still a small and dedicated one.

"It's been a really interesting long year, and it's not over yet. We're working really hard, we're a small team of only 20 people, and we kind of stick to that number, but 20 good people. In terms of features coming in, I think it's more about refining features that we have, cause we have a lot."


We actually got word of the various editions coming for the game as well just recently, so things are taking shape with BioMutant.

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