Counter-Strike 2

BLAST takes the fight to PGL with competing January 2027 event

The Counter-Strike 2 tournament will run at the same time as the competing tournament.

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Things are getting fiery in the world of competitive Counter-Strike 2, as following the recent reveal that PGL will be hosting an event in January 2027, now competing organiser BLAST has decided to host an event during the same time period.

The BLAST Bounty 2027 will see the best teams from around the world competing in an event that runs between January 13th and 24th, and as for the rest of the information, for example location, prize pool, format, and so forth, none of this has been revealed yet. All that BLAST has said is that "more details to follow soon".

Which tournament do you think the biggest teams will look to attend, BLAST or PGL?

Counter-Strike 2

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