Call of Duty: Vanguard

Cheaters are now unable to see their opponents in Call of Duty: Vanguard

This comes after the previous addition of the Damage Shield.

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Fighting against cheaters in online games is a never-ending battle. And the more popular your game gets, the more cheaters it will attract. This has been true for Call of Duty, and many different steps have been taken to combat those pesky cheaters.

The latest update for Call of Duty: Vanguard adds another interesting weapon. It is called Cloaking, which makes it impossible for cheaters to see their opponents. It works similarly as previously implemented so-called Damage Shield, which made it impossible for a cheater to inflict critical damage on other players.

"With Cloaking, players that are detected to be cheating can find themselves unable to see opposing players in the game world. Characters, bullets, even sound from legitimate players will be undetectable to cheaters. Legitimate players, however, can see cheaters impacted by cloaking (generally, they'll be the players you see spinning in circles hollering, "Who is shooting me?!") and can dole out in-game punishment."

Call of Duty: Vanguard

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