Tetris Effect: Connected

Check out Tetris Effect's brand-new Connected multiplayer in 4K

It's exclusive to Xbox and PC until next summer and its several modes really "Enhance" what was a 2018 Game of the Year contender.

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Tetris Effect: Connected might as well be considered one of the flagship Xbox Series X|S launch titles as it's exclusive to Microsoft consoles (also on Xbox One and PC). Optimised for the new hardware, it adds the most requested feature for one of the best puzzle games of the decade: a multiplayer mode.

And it's not just "a mode", as the new multiplayer portion of the game includes a handful of remote ranked and friend alternatives, as well as offline couch-centred variants.

The titular Connected mode puts two or three players against the CPU's signs of the zodiac bosses, in a shared sensorial experience that combines both individual Tetris boxes and temporarily shared panels. It's the mode we've beaten the first level of below, in glorious 4K and 60 fps:


Besides there's Zone Battle mode (standard 1v1 plus time-stopping Zone mechanic), Score Attack, and Classic Score Attack (with no Hard Drop nor Hold Queue).

It's the perfect time to try out Tetris Effect if you didn't before, and if you did, your PlayStation or Oculus game will update for free in summer 2021.

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