Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans images

Better than the movie? Hopefully...

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Namco Bandai and Game Republic have teamed up for the video game adaptation of Clash of the Titans (currently in theatres), that is set to be released on PS3 and Xbox 360 next month. Take a look at the latest batch of images below...

Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans
Clash of the Titans

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Clash of the TitansScore

Clash of the Titans

REVIEW. Written by Love Bolin

Greek mythology and monsters to slay. Is this a God of War clone that delivers what the movie failed to deliver?

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