Croteam has put forward a teaser for the upcoming Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass in the shape of an exploding little clip. Sam is riding his Harley countryside through lush corn fields whilst a pretty headless fellow is approaching from the green grass on the right. Sam obviously knows what to do and gently reaches back to grab his two-barreled-friend.
Croteam has officially unveiled the game at Reboot Develop conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The title has been changed from just Serious Sam 4 into Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass. They use the reworked Serious Engine to make the game beautiful and running smoothly. Expect to see more from the game at E3 this June (or rather in a parking lot next to E3 as it is published by Devolver), until then you can check out the Steam page and dream about exploding zombie sheep...