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      Darksiders II

      Darksiders 3 teased as Deathinitive Darksiders II gets dated

      Winter release for current-gen remaster, while next entry in series gets a mention.

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      The Deathinitive edition of Darksiders II is heading to PS4 (the press release says current-gen consoles so we're assuming Xbox One too, even if it doesn't mention Microsoft's platform specifically) this winter.

      Gunfire Games, a studio made up of former Vigil developers, is handling the port for new publisher Nordic Games. The remaster will run in 1080p and benefit from a graphical upgrade, and it will include all the DLC from the old-gen version.

      We already knew that the remaster was in the works, so other than the "winter" release window and a couple of expected improvements, there's not too much to report. The exciting news is the (admittedly vague and brief) mention of the next entry in the series:

      "We took over the franchise roughly 2 years ago and thought about the next chapter for Darksiders ever since then," teased Nordic Games' Reinhard Pollice. "Naturally (and extremely excitedly!), there will be a large-scale project based on Darksiders, but for now it is very important for us to take care of the existing games and make those available to a broader audience."

      So, Darksiders II is heading to current-gen later this year, and Nordic Games are excited about the "large-scale project" in the works that's set in the Darksiders universe. Consider us intrigued.

      Darksiders II

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