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      Darksiders II

      Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Switch release announced

      Join the menacing horseman of the Apocalypse, Death on his quest to save the Earth on Switch at its release in September.

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      Darksiders II, the Vigil Games-developed sequel to the 2010 original is headed for Nintendo's hybrid console Switch, Nintendo announced recently. This comes after the original was remastered by Gunfire Games and released on the Switch.

      The remaster of Darksiders II, Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition, will release on September 26 of this year and will give you the chance to join the quest to save Earth from destruction as the horseman of the apocalypse, Death. The Deathinitive Edition includes all DLC, a more balanced experience and improved graphics.

      Will you be playing Darksiders II on Switch?

      Darksiders II

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      REVIEW. Written by Martin Eiser

      "This is a fully playable comic book that's top notch from the beginning to - well, let's say, nearly the end."

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