One particular topic that seems to be on the minds of many gamers is on the health of the traditional, big-budget, linear single-player game. Through success stories like God of War and Horizon: Zero Dawn it would seem that they have a place in the market, but at the same time more developers are leaning towards live elements, co-op, and online functionality.
So should more traditional single-player experiences experiment more with pricing models as a result? That's what Eidos Montreal boss David Anfossi is suggesting in an honest interview with, where he admits that, while he considers God of War great, he might not get the time to finish it.
"I believe that the story-driven experience is going through a generational change. Especially for people like me, the old guys... people who are 25 or older," he said. "Looking at God of War, that's a pretty good example of a great single-player experience. I like it a lot, but I might not get the time to complete it. For me, that's a frustration. Because when you start a story-driven experience you want to see the conclusion. So we have to adapt and try new models."
To solve that potential issue, Anfossi is suggesting that those kinds of games could cost less in order to reach a larger audience:
"This is just my opinion, I'm not committing to anything - let's say that we develop a very good narrative, with a complex universe and strong characters. You start the game and then you complete it in three hours. That costs $30. That's it. Maybe that's the way to continue with story-driven games. You bring a strong experience, you make sure that the audience is interested by it, and that they can actually complete it."
Do you agree with Anfossi?