A surprise announcement during Sony's E3 2016 conference was their new IP, Days Gone; a third-person open-world post-apocalyptic survival game.
After its big reveal we had the chance to catch up with Sony Bend's Darren Chisum, who was able to tell us more about how the studio have utilised the power of the PS4 and Unreal engine to get as many NPCs on screen at once.
"We've dug deep into the power of the PlayStation 4 and the Unreal Engine, and done a lot of customised work. We're really pushing the boundaries of how many NPCs we can get on screen at once."
The horde has their own A.I. and strategy, Chisum explained: "The horde almost works as a hive mind. They're all focused on food and destruction and they are coming after you."
There are things in the environment that will help you escape and you can take any route you want: "We try to put things in the environment to help you escape. You may have noticed him throwing over barricades in the way and knocking and knocking things in their path."
"The player can take any route they want and the results will vary depending on the choices that the player makes."
Days Gone is a PlayStation 4 exclusive and it hasn't got a release date at the time of writing. Check out the announcement trailer below.