Treasures of Montezuma Blitz

Free-to-play game on Vita

3rd party puzzle title released.

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Alawar Entertainment has just released what they claim to be the first ever 3rd party free-to-play console game.

The title in question, Treasures of Montezuma Blitz, is available to download on PS Vita for free, though there are other pricing options for anyone wanting an elongated experience.

Treasures of Montezuma Blitz is described as a puzzle adventure and supports the Vita's front and rear touch controls, as well as the six axis motion sensor.

Treasures of Montezuma Blitz
Treasures of Montezuma BlitzTreasures of Montezuma BlitzTreasures of Montezuma Blitz
Treasures of Montezuma BlitzTreasures of Montezuma BlitzTreasures of Montezuma Blitz

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