Disney Speedstorm

Disney Speedstorm is now available in Early Access

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There aren't a whole lot of really good Mario Kart 8 Deluxe alternatives available for other formats, but hopefully Disney Speedstorm has the potential to become one. And it might even get a big audience on Switch as it offers two things Mario's racing game doesn't: Disney characters and free-to-play.

Unfortunately, the latter is only partly true. While Disney Speedstorm will indeed be free-to-play when released later this year, the Early Access version that launched yesterday is only available if you get a Founder's Pack. While considering if this is worth your money, check out the launch trailer to both see some new gameplay and all the different Founder's Pack editions.

Disney Speedstorm

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Disney SpeedstormScore

Disney Speedstorm

REVIEW. Written by Petter Hegevall

Asphalt developers, Gameloft, has created a charmless, impersonal cash grab version of Mario Kart 8 and we're not impressed.

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