Dragon Age II

Dragon Age goes Graphic in July

Comic collection due from Dark Horse.

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Dark Horse Comics is to publish a hardcover collected edition of Dragon Age: The Silent Grove this July.

The six-part comic series, originally offered in the company's digital store, is scripted by lead franchise writer David Gaider, is due July 25th, and offers a canonical story from the video-game series as King Alistair, accompanied only by rogues Isabela and Varric, embarks on a quest deep inside the borders of Antiva-the nation of assassins.

The novel's just been solicited, so as yet its not appeared on any online stores for pre-order - but the US price is clocking in at $14.99. Expect something the same when it hits over here.

Dragon Age II

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Dragon Age II

REVIEW. Written by Petter Mårtensson

"It took a while to get into the game. For the first five hours I was extremy sceptical, the changes to character customisation and being stuck in Kirkwall made me doubt that I'd ever like it."

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