Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC hopes sparked by Steam update

We've not heard a peep about the RPG for months, but that could soon change.

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Dragon's Dogma 2 launched back in March and it seems for all intense and purposes as if Capcom has moved on. Casually drop what was at the time a very strong GOTY contender and then just leave it. After all, there's a new Monster Hunter that needs preparing for, and likely more big hitters in their main franchises to come.

However, according to fans on Reddit (thanks, PushSquare), Capcom has been updating Dragon's Dogma 2 on Steam for quite some time. These encrypted updates suggest that something is going on in the background, but we're not sure what.

An announcement could be coming, as Tokyo Game Show is just around the corner, but then again it would certainly be a shock for Capcom to say absolutely nothing for months and then drop a DLC announcement out of nowhere. Then again, stranger things have happened. This is the company that released Exoprimal pretty much out of nowhere.

Dragon's Dogma 2

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