Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2 players are being caught out by Dragonsplague

If you're not careful, the mysterious disease could ruin an entire run.

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Dragon's Dogma 2 can be a pretty punishing game. Even when you first set out on your adventure, you might think you can take a wild pack of goblins and be sorely reminded you are level 1.

Something that can really ruin your playthrough is Dragonsplague, an affliction that can infect your pawns after they've travelled in between worlds one too many times. On the Dragon's Dogma 2 website, Capcom explains the conditions of Dragonsplague.

"Rather than being weakened, Pawns with the disease are said to display remarkable performance, and to become conspicuously bold in their speech and behaviour. According to folklore, when the symptoms of Dragonsplague reach a terminal stage, it will result in devastating calamity, but the veracity of those claims is unclear."

The results of Dragonsplague can leave entire towns in shambles, including the deaths of quest-giving NPCs. You can revive affected NPCs with Wakestones, or you can apparently wait a few days for the important faces to return to life.

Some are critiquing this mechanic for punishing players, while others believe it's a great reminder to pay attention. To avoid this, just keep an eye on your Pawns and if one of them develops Dragonsplague, be sure to cure it as soon as you can.

Dragon's Dogma 2

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