Counter-Strike 2

ESL Pro League's Season 21 and Season 22 will be held in Sweden

The two upcoming events are planned for March and September.

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Over the weekend, the ESL decided to lift the curtain and affirm the exact locations as to where the ESL Pro League's Season 21 and Season 22 tournaments will take place. If you live in Northern Europe, you'll be glad to know that both are quite local, as Sweden has been selected as the host country for the two major tournaments.

Both events will see $1 million on the line and the first will run between March 1-16 and the second between September 27 and October 12. The exact venue for the two tournaments also seems to be the ESL Studio in Stockholm, meaning you know where and when to be if you want to catch the best Counter-Strike 2 action in the world in-person.

Counter-Strike 2

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