Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6 on PS5 and Xbox Series is "full 4K, 60 fps, HD texture pack, faster loading"

World director Ben Hall talks us through the challenge the team at Ubisoft Toronto took on in order to deliver the best experience across two generations of PlayStation and Xbox.

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Far Cry 6 will release in two months on both PC and the two generations of PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and considering the success of the series in the older consoles and how much the new ones change the game, we wanted to learn more about the tech approach when building an open world for a cross-generational release.

"When it comes to the generational differences between the games", world director Ben Hall explains in the Gamereactor video interview below, "we really have the mindset and the vision from the very start that we wanted to make sure that this was going to be a super solid game on Gen-4 [meaning coetaneous to PS4, a.k.a. last-gen or more accurately Gen-8] consoles, so that was the reason why we wanted to make sure that this game was something that everyone could get their hands on and enjoy, and then look at what we could do with the excitement of the new generation of consoles, but also make sure that it wasn't going to, in any way, impact the experience that people was going to have on Gen 4".


"So, with the new consoles", he continues, "you are going to be able to experience full 4K, 60 fps with the HD texture pack, and utilising the faster loading times and everything that comes with those consoles to really just give you like a super smooth experience, a silky-smooth, high-resolution experience. But then when you're running on a Gen 4 machine, obviously, everything that we've built we had to make sure is running super solid on those machines. So it's been a lot of effort put in the past months (...) and it's been an extra challenge for the team - we employed the best team in the world to be there for this".

Hall goes on to describe how this world differs from previous entries in terms of variety of items, elements, and locations, but also when it comes to the extra detail and complexity they wanted to put into it so that "it feels like an entire country" while trying to emphasise the contrast to the natural beauty and, above all, "the notion of people".

Play on to learn more about Far Cry 6, which will launch on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series on October 7. On which gen will you play?

Far Cry 6

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