It has now been over four years since For Honor was released and Ubisoft is still dedicated to supporting it with regular content updates. Recently, the publisher/developer detailed what's coming in the melee-focused game's fifth season of content and there looks to be more than a few exciting additions to help keep us hooked.
The first thing that caught our eye was a time-limited collaboration with popular indie game Shovel Knight. Starting March 4, three Shovel Knight-themed outfits are coming to the game, as well as a hovel Drop Emote. This feels like it's one of those collaborations that was born to happen and it's great to see Ubisoft supporting smaller developers in their games.
Alongside this collaboration, two new heroes are set to arrive in the game within Year 5. Nothing further than their arrival was reported, however, so will just have to sit patiently until they are formally revealed throughout the year. What was revealed though, was that the first character will drop in Season 2 and the second in Second 4.
The first season of For Honor Year 5 will commence on March 11. You can read our initial review of the game here.
Thanks, VG247.