Forza Horizon 2

Forza Horizon 2 leaving Xbox Marketplace next month

Although you'll still be able to play it.

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Forza Horizon 2 is available right now for free as part of Xbox Live's Games with Gold until August 31, but while that's very good news for arcade racing fans, developer Turn 10 has revealed some less-than-ideal news as well, as the game will be removed from the Xbox Marketplace shortly after, on September 30.

Just to be clear, the game will reach 'end of life' status on September 30, which is when the game and its DLC will no longer be available for purchase, although after that date you can still download and play all of it as normal.

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Forza Horizon 2

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Forza Horizon 2Score

Forza Horizon 2

REVIEW. Written by Gillen McAllister

"Even if it drops down a few gears after a fantastic opening, Playground still offers one hell of a road trip."

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