Dragon Age II

Games with Gold for December revealed

Dragon Age II headlines a fairly slow month.

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Microsoft has revealed the Games with Gold for December, four games (two Xbox One, two Xbox 360) that can be downloaded and played without any extra charge as long as you have an active Gold subscription. It's not the most enticing of months for the service, but if you haven't played Dragon Age II this might be a good time to catch up.

Xbox One
Q.U.B.E. 2 - December 1 to 31
Never Alone - December 16 to January 15

Xbox 360
Dragon Age II - December 1 to 15
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction - December 16 to 31

As you may know, the Xbox 360 titles are compatible with Xbox One as is always the case.

Dragon Age IIDragon Age II
Dragon Age IIDragon Age II

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Dragon Age II

REVIEW. Written by Petter Mårtensson

"It took a while to get into the game. For the first five hours I was extremy sceptical, the changes to character customisation and being stuck in Kirkwall made me doubt that I'd ever like it."

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