As Dusk Falls

Interactive drama As Dusk Falls announced

Quantic Dream veteran Caroline Marchal leads the team behind interactive drama As Dusk Falls.

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Interior/Night, a studio led by the former lead designer at Quantic Dream Caroline Marchal, revealed its debut title As Dusk Falls during the Xbox Games Showcase and it most definitely stood out amongst the rest of the games shown. The title looks to take players for a ride in a hostage situation thriller experience on two fronts and features stunning, slightly animated still imagery to tell its story that's set in the American Southwest.

As Dusk Falls has no release date as of yet but it's set to release for Xbox Series X. Take a look at the trailer above.

As Dusk Falls
As Dusk Falls

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As Dusk FallsScore

As Dusk Falls

REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

After being taken hostage at a dusty motel somewhere in Arizona, we've got to experience a story different from any other we've ever played.

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