Do you remember Intellivision? If you don't we can't blame you. Its hay-day was in the early 1980s after all, an Atari competitor if you will. The property has shifted hands over the year but has now landed with Tommy Tallarico and Intellivision Entertainment and they have big plans.
Intellivision Entertainment has unveiled a new console named Intellivision Amico during their keynote presentation at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo. Intellivision Amico will be released on October 10, 2020, so there's quite some way to go until launch.
"We are creating a console that parents WANT to buy, not that they were asked to buy," stated Intellivision president Tommy Tallarico during his keynote. "Most every game being made for the home consoles these days is created with only the hardcore gamer in mind. We see a world where everyone is interested in playing at home and with friends, but this isn't currently possible because the barrier to entry is nearly impossible for a non-gamer due to the complexity of the controllers, intricacy of gameplay, expense of the hardware and software and steep learning curve with an unbalanced fun factor for the beginner. Our goal was to create a console that both gamers and non-gamers are able to have fun with and play together. The Intellivision Amico is our answer to this gaping hole we see within the current video game industry."
This new console will be a family-friendly console since it will only allow 2D games with a rating of E10+ or less and a price between $2.99 and $7.99. There will be no DLC or in-app purchases, and so it works a lot like an old-school console, or a plug-and-play one, but it will have an internet connection and all games are digital.
The console has a custom-made chip that is said to deliver 2D graphics beyond what powerhouses PS4 and Xbox One are capable of. It's certainly a different proposition, and this is also true of the games it will offer. No ports will be allowed on the console, and the emphasis will be on remaking classic Intellivision titles (as well as ones from Atari and Imagic). Some of the Intellivision games confirmed for remakes include Tron Deadly Discs, Astrosmash, Nightstalker, and Baseball. Atari classics confirmed may be more familiar as they include the likes of Pong, Asteroids, Tempest, Centipede, Lunar Lander, and Missile Command. The Imagic titles include Atlantis, Swords & Serpents, and Truckin'.
In addition to these titles from Intellivision, Atari, and Imagic other titles confirmed include Moon Control, Super Burgertime, Lode Runner, ToeJam and Earl, R-Type, Spelunker, and Bad Dudes. Rather than being straight emulations or such these remakes should feature improved graphics and audio, new levels, and online support. Exactly what titles will offer what extra features remains to be seen. Intellivision Entertainment says they're hopeful third-parties will take an interest in the console and make games for it.
Intellivision Amico offers an HDMI connection, has a wi-fi support and all games are digital. The controller uses bluetooth. The console will have a price between $149 and $179 (US).
What do you think of this rather different console proposition?