Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm

Korea wins the StarCraft II Nation Wars V competition

The Netherlands fell 5-3 in the grand final.

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The StarCraft II Nation Wars V finals have just wrapped up this past weekend, and it was Korea who emerged victorious as they defeated team Netherlands in Paris, having defeated Finland just before this 5-3 win in the best-of-nine grand final.

In terms of standout players, Lee' INnoVation' Shin Hyung was among the best in the competition, and he and his teammates Eo 'soO' Yoon Su and Mun 'MMA' Seong Won won the lion's share of the $50,000 USD prize pool.

All credit to the Netherlands though for putting up a good fight, beating the likes of Mexico to seal their spot in the grand finals. Did you ever think Korea's victory was in doubt though?

Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm
Photo: Nation Wars

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