Lego Dimensions

Lego Dimensions reportedly closing down

It was two years through its three-year plan.

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Lego Dimensions took the traditional 3D platforming fun of Lego games and merged it with the world of toys-to-life video games when it released back in 2015, releasing subsequent expansions like those for Back to the Future, E.T., Ghostbusters, and more since, but now a new report has indicated that the game is closing.

Warner Bros. hasn't confirmed that the game has closed, but according to this new report the game has ended after two years of its three-year ambition had passed. This isn't too much of a shock, however, when you consider Disney Infinity itself came to an end recently, another toys-to-life game.

The same report also claims that the problem with Lego Dimensions came from the inclusion of Lego toys in the package, pushing the cost to a point where there wasn't much room for profit. With sales not meeting expectations either, this could only have had a negative knock-on effect

Apparently TT Games' studio manager Dave Dootson has also sent an email to the studio to acknowledge its closure too, thanking those who worked on the game.

Did you have faith in Lego Dimensions from the beginning?

Lego Dimensions

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