Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2

Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 doubles the size of the hub world

We chat with TT Games producer Matt Ellison about the upcoming sequel.

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TT Games' Matt Ellison talks to us about the next big Lego title coming out of the studio - Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, "the direct sequel from Lego Marvel Super Heroes".

"One of the key things with this game is Chronopolis is sort of the location that Kang brings all of these locations to when he is conquering them", explains Ellison. "So Chronopolis is going to be the open world hub in this game, it's going to be twice the size of Manhattan from the last game. And it means there are 18 different locations all within this area with quests running through them, tonnes of different things to find, lots of secrets to do, so yeah, that's going to be really, really fun."

Ellison also covers the narrative, some of his favourite characters in the game and the 4-player battle arena mode in the interview.


Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 arrives on November 17 on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2

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Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2

REVIEW. Written by Graham Bellars

"Each level is well built, filled to the brim with breakable objects, Minikits to find, puzzles to solve, and of course enemies to defeat."

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