Lego Worlds

Lego Worlds for Switch coming this fall

Confirmed by associate producer Chris Rose.

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While at E3, we managed to grab a quick chat with associate producer on Lego Worlds, Chris Rose. We spoke about the reception the game has got since launch, the upcoming DLC for the game, but we also talked about the upcoming Nintendo Switch version of the title.

"We teased it [the Nintendo Switch version] a little while ago after our head of design mentioned that we might be looking at a Switch version, and then we formally announced it yesterday for Fall 2017," Rose told Gamereactor. "No exact time-frame, but I think we might be looking toward the back-end of September, maybe October time. So that's really cool, it plays exactly the same as the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions."

When asked about any Switch exclusive content, Rose explained he's not aware of any because parity is key to the studio, but the physical version on Switch will come with the classic space DLC in the box, along with the second paid DLC.

How are you finding Lego Worlds since it left Early Access? Let us know in the comments and watch the full interview with Chris Rose below.

Lego Worlds

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REVIEW. Written by Graham Bellars

"It seems blindingly obvious to combine the sandbox genre with the world of Lego, when you stop to think about it."

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