Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

London Royal Ravens scraps seven of its Call of Duty League players

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London Royal Ravens is the latest team to make some serious changes to its line up ahead of the Call of Duty League 2021 season. The team revealed on Twitter that it has released seven of the players that represented it during the inaugural season. This massive roster change only leaves Sean "Seany" O'Conner and coach Joseph "Joee" Pinnington standing.

In the regular season of the 2020 Call of Duty League, the team finished in a respectable sixth place with 120 total CDL points. The team managed to finish fourth place in the playoffs after losing to Chicago Huntsmen in the final round. Not a bad result for the team's first outing but it was obviously decided by somebody that things needed to change.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
London Royal Ravens

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