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      Street Fighter 6

      Mai Shiranui is getting ready to join Street Fighter 6 in a first teaser-trailer

      SNK's probably most beloved ninja is ready to beat up Capcom's classic fighters.

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      Although Street Fighter V was a success in the end, it had a very shaky start and probably contributed to the series not growing as it should. With Street Fighter 6, however, Capcom seems to have found its way again, and it's selling like hotcakes with satisfied fans and is continuously getting great developer support.

      Now Capcom announces via Instagram that it's time to release a new fighter for the series, and this time in the form of a guest appearance we think will make a lot of people happy - namely the Fatal Fury legend and fan-favourite ninja Mai Shiranui.

      We don't know exactly when this kunoichi will join us just yet, but we've got a first teaser trailer showing that she has all her iconic attacks intact and thus looks like a very interesting addition. Check out Mai kicking butt below ahead of her arrival in "early 2025".

      Street Fighter 6

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      Street Fighter 6

      REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

      Capcom's fighters are back, once again ready to punch people in the face. This time, both an updated game system and a massive single-player story awaits, and we've checked to see if it measures up.

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