Mere hours after the announcement of Matterfall at Paris Games Week, we talked to Housemarque community manager Tomasso De Benetti about the announcement, the plot of the game and how Matterfall ties into other Housemarque titles.
"You can see the hero who can do all this acrobatic stuff, and that is something that'll be in the game," De Benetti was quick to point out. "Some people are also worried that this is a first person shooter, and I can guarantee that that's not what we do, at least not with this game. You can expect something that people have come to expect from previous Housemarque titles. So there is going to be a lot of action, and that arcade spirit that we have in other titles."
De Benetti also wanted to confirm that the game does, despite retaining the arcade spirit, have one differentiating factor compared to many other Housemarque titles:
"It's not a top down game," he said.
You can watch the full interview below, and also take a look at the game's reveal trailer.