Microsoft has been on a spending spree as of late picking up studios to bolster their first-party development, and at X018 in Mexico City it was announced that InXile Entertainment becomes the 12th studio in the Microsoft Studios family.
"The team at inXile has earned a distinguished reputation for creating deep, engaging role-playing games," said Microsoft Studios corporate vice president Matt Booty. "As part of Microsoft Studios, inXile will have the support and freedom to fully realize its creative ambitions on both existing franchises and new projects. The studio will continue to operate autonomously and bring its unique talents, IP and expertise to Microsoft Studios as they build new RPG experiences for our players and fans."
Founded by Interplay founder Brian Fargo in 2002, InXile Entertainment has been rather successful in recent years developing sequels and spiritual successor to old Interplay properties including Wasteland 2 (2014), Torment: Tides of Numenera (2017), and The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep (2018). The plan is to release Wasteland 3 next year on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Given how it was funded via it is doubtful that it won't see release on PS4 in spite of this deal.
Founder Brian Fargo recently expressed interest in buying back Interplay in order to lay claim to some further old properties, and perhaps with the owner this dream can be realised.