Arma III

New mod adds Lego characters to Arma III

Block warfare is taking over the military sim.

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Arma III might be knocking on being four years old but it still has a very active community, and mods has always been well supported by the developers. That means that there are still tons of really well made mods being created and released on a regular basis. And funny ones. Like "Operation Blockhead".

It's available on Steam and includes Lego people roaming around in the world, and it's actually really well made as one of the animation leads from Bohemia Interactive has been involved in the project.

The stark contrast between the real world and the colourful Lego characters is to die for, and this is certainly the most eye-catching mod we've seen for some time. Is it enough to get you back aboard the good ship Arma III?

Arma III
Arma III
Arma III

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REVIEW. Written by Simon Eriksson

"Arma III isn't a flawless game, but instead a game with plenty of flaws, but these are routinely overshadowed by the insane ambition of the developers."

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