New Super Mario Bros. 2

New Super Mario Bros. Gold

Iwata reveals scrapped title.

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In the latest edition of Iwata Asks the focus is on New Super Mario Bros. 2 on Nintendo 3DS - a game that used to go under the name - New Super Mario Bros. Gold. It is Yusuke Amano, answering Iwata's questions.

Iwata: Did you decide on the title pretty easily this time?

Amano: Because of the focus on coins, we considered including "Gold" in the title.

Iwata: New Super Mario Bros. Gold?

Amano: Yeah. But it has more stages than the Wii and Nintendo DS games, and a lot of new elements, so it holds plenty of fun as orthodox Super Mario.

That title would probably have created a certain degree of confusion, as many would have believed it to be re-issue of the original New Super Mario Bros. So now it's called New Super Mario Bros. 2 - and coin rush is still a big part of it.

New Super Mario Bros. 2

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New Super Mario Bros. 2Score

New Super Mario Bros. 2

REVIEW. Written by Martin Eiser

"Surely Nintendo can't be calling this one in? Yet masterpieces need time to develop: eight months between releases doesn't bode well."

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