
Love Bolin

All texts by Love Bolin

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Professor Layton and the Spectre's CallScore

Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call

"His new (old?) demeanour fits me like a glove, as I've always found the the character's peppy attitude to be somewhat of a thorn in the side."

Text: Love Bolin | Gamereactor Sweden
Kirby's Adventure WiiScore

Kirby's Adventure Wii

"If you have kids who can handle a very basic platform game it's not a bad choice to put under the tree."

Text: Love Bolin | Gamereactor Sweden
Red Bull X-FightersScore

Red Bull X-Fighters

"There is no reason to look closer at Red Bull X-Fighters, but every reason to check out Joe Danger and Trials HD."

Text: Love Bolin | Gamereactor Sweden


"There's a lot of stuff to find, a lot of variation in the different areas and the puzzles are just as challenging as they should be."

Text: Love Bolin (Gamereactor Sweden)
DJ Hero 2Score

DJ Hero 2

The sequel to last year's freshest music game is back, but is it as much fun this time around? DJ Love Bolin has put it to the test.

Text: Love Bolin (Gamereactor Sweden)
The Last AirbenderScore

The Last Airbender

The Last Airbender is surprise, surprise - a piece of utter crap. Love forced himself to play through this awful licensed mess.

Text: Love Bolin (Gamereactor Sweden)
NHL SlapshotScore

NHL Slapshot

Hockey without violence, cute little peewees, and a short plastic stick. Love has been hitting the ice..

Text: Love Bolin (Gamereactor Sweden)
Clash of the TitansScore

Clash of the Titans

Greek mythology and monsters to slay. Is this a God of War clone that delivers what the movie failed to deliver?

Text: Love Bolin
Super Monkey Ball: Step & RollScore

Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll

The monkeys keep on rolling and this time you can roll them with your feet!

Text: Love Bolin
Muramasa: The Demon BladeScore

Muramasa: The Demon Blade

Swing the legendary blade in this beautiful old school title. Love shares his thoughts

Text: Love Bolin