Battle Bay
"Simply put, this is middle of the road stuff."
Text: Oliver Thulin
How Infinity Ward Took Over the World with Modern Warfare
We look back at what made MW successful, and consider why other games in the series simply don't compare to Infinity Ward's finest hour.
Text: Oliver Thulin

Weeping Doll
"It's comparable to Gone Home, though without any of the interesting narrative elements."
Text: Oliver Thulin
Watch the launch trailer for the PlayStation 4 Pro
Fancy the most powerful console yet?
Text: Oliver Thulin
Today on GR Live: A nostalgia trip with Modern Warfare
Remastered and only available with Infinite Warfare's Legacy Edition.
Text: Oliver Thulin
This is how you do the Titanfall 2 training course lightning fast
Here's how to climb up the leaderboard.
Text: Oliver Thulin
EA aren't afraid of delaying Mass Effect: Andromeda if needs be
You've been warned.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Xbox One S now supports recordable blu-ray discs
A patch has been released supporting BD-R and BD-RE.
Text: Oliver Thulin
New Rise of the Tomb Raider trailer showcases PS4 Pro tech
Different graphics modes will affect different things.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Download Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon for free on PC this month
It replaces Beyond Good and Evil.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Rey and Kylo Ren never met before The Force Awakens
The mysteries continue.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2 to be set in France
And Johnny Depp will be there.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Sonic CD is free to download on the App store this week
Grab this classic 1993 Sonic title for nothing.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Infinite Warfare Jackal Assault VR free for all PS4 owners
A little something extra for you with PSVR.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Take-Two on Mafia III scores: "lower than we'd have liked"
Despite good sales the scores disappointed.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Rumour: Nintendo Switch launches on March 17 in Europe
Laura Dale provides some more speculation.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Bound devs on how the game will take advantage of PS4 Pro
It's all about the edges of geometry.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Infinite Warfare has two ridiculously hard difficulty modes
Specialist and YOLO mode shouldn't be taken lightly.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Civilization VI is the fastest selling game in Civ history
Just... one... more... turn...
Text: Oliver Thulin
Battlefield 1 Multiplayer Guide
Nine handy tips to get you up to speed on the field of battle.
Text: Oliver Thulin
New Pokémon Sun/Moon trailer reveals starter evolutions
Decidueye, Incineroar, and Primarina have been outed.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Nioh to last for 70 hours
Although there's no PC port planned.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Sony announces three new Playstation 4 bundles
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End comes with all of them.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Capcom announces Monster Hunter XX: Double Cross for 3DS
It's a double double.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Nintendo will tell us more about Switch in January
That's when we'll get a specific release date too.
Text: Oliver Thulin
The Incredibles 2 will reach cinemas earlier than expected
It is now set to release in 2018.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Microsoft working with partners to make budget VR headsets
They may even be a tad more user-friendly.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Microsoft introduces the Surface Studio
Described as the perfect tool for artists.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Patch 7.1 for World of Warcraft: Legion is out now
A Return to Karazhan is included.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Watch us play Gears of War 4 multiplayer for two hours
Oliver enjoyed some gore-filled action yesterday.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Uwe Boll quits filmmaking, declares "market dead"
The man behind the Alone in the Dark film calls it a day.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Heavy Rain creator won't do VR "for the sake of it"
"It's about saying something on this medium that hasn't been said already."
Text: Oliver Thulin
Rumour: Retro Studios isn't working on Metroid
Or Donkey Kong, for that matter.
Text: Oliver Thulin
J.J. Abrams "God Particle" is the third Cloverfield film
There may be a new Cloverfield film every year.
Text: Oliver Thulin
David Cage has finished the script for Detroit: Become Human
"It took me more than two years, and that's working around six days a week."
Text: Oliver Thulin
Today on GR Live: October gorefest in Gears of War 4
Gears of War's blood-spattering action should get you in the Halloween spirit.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Series two of Jessica Jones to be directed entirely by women
The Netflix series will continue being a breath of fresh air.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Watch us play Battlefield 1 on Xbox One for two hours
Lots of conquest, with a side order of pigeon.
Text: Oliver Thulin

Eve: Valkyrie (PSVR)
"In the end it's a competent action-focused flight sim that unfortunately is held back by a couple of negatives."
Text: Oliver Thulin

Battlefield 1
"You can spot elements of the best parts of almost every Battlefield title in there, and when it's at its best it feels better than ever."
Text: Oliver Thulin
Square Enix counts down to something Final Fantasy XV related
What could it possibly be?
Text: Oliver Thulin
PS Vita horror game Yomawari: Night Alone due out this month
Nippon Ichi continues to support Sony's handheld.
Text: Oliver Thulin
The Aquadome update for Rocket League is available now
More Rocket League for the people.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Modern Warfare remaster will support bots
For those who want to test their skills against AI.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Resident Evil 7 Kitchen demo will be available on PSVR
Tied to a chair in a not exactly sanitary kitchen.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Westworld is the most watched HBO premiere since True Detective
They may have another hit on their hands.
Text: Oliver Thulin
A quick look at Anki Overdrive remote controlled cars
The latest Quick Look from GRTV.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Guitar Hero Live Supreme Party Edition announced
Text: Oliver Thulin
Jon Favreau to direct the Lion King remake
Iron Man director scores another big Disney movie.
Text: Oliver Thulin
Two new Skylanders Imaginators characters shown off
Check out Barbella and Tae Kwon Crow.
Text: Oliver Thulin