
Nier: Automata director reveals his favourite PS4 games

You might not expect some of these games to be on his list.

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Yoko Taro is the creative mastermind behind the famous and intriguing Nier: Automata and, in cooperation with Sony, he shared his personal favourite PS4 games in a recent blog post, also dropping a few thoughts on all of those titles. We recommend reading his full notes by the way, because they're very interesting and give even more insight into Yoko Taro's mind.

Want an example? When he talks about the Gravity Rush director Keiichiro Toyama, the Nier director shares one of those drunken stories of the two men, and says "how can a title like this come from a person like him?". As another example, when he talks about Final Fantasy XV he mentions being cursed for ten long years, because Taro's own games have always been set in similar genres and he feared competition with the giant series from Square Enix.

In terms of the list, here are Yoko Taro's favourite PS4 games, in no particular order:

Final Fantasy XV
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Gravity Rush / Gravity Rush 2
Danganronpa series
Life is Strange
The Last Guardian

Can you see what games influenced Nier: Automata here?

Nier: Automata director reveals his favourite PS4 games

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