No Man's Sky has been through its fair share of horrors, including the rocky launch, but since its original release in August of 2016 Hello Games has steadily improved on the game with minor and major updates. Most recently the "biggest update to date", "Next", launched back in July, adding fully fledged multiplayer, expanded base building, and a visual overhaul.
Now the British indie outfit has announced the next title update, called The Abyss, which "focuses on some of the eerier elements of No Man's Sky, in keeping with the theme of this season". Not a great deal of detail, but we expect there will be a bit more horror to go with the survival gameplay of No Man's Sky. It's a free update and lands on PC, PS4, Xbox One. Given the timeframe since Next, we suspect it's a lot smaller in scope.
Hello Games are keeping us guessing about the actual content, but here's what the official website has to say...
What do you expect from this update?