With the latest Black Friday promotions around the world one of this year's best JPRGs, Persona 5, must have hit a nice sales boost. The studio announced just recently that its stylish, extraordinary high school simulator has now sold over two million copies worldwide for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 systems. Naoto Hiraoka, CEO and president of Atlus' North American branch, sees the player's commitment as a sign of growing importance of Japanese titles to the Western audience and therefore is planning to release additional games for this market:
"This has been an incredible year for our company, one that represents our ambitions for Japanese games in the west. We are in the middle of experiencing tremendous growth, both in the west and abroad, and the sales of Persona 5 represent a new level of expectation for fans of the genre. Once seen as niche, Persona 5 is one of the most important titles this year, proving interest in this category is expanding. We look forward delivering more incredible games to our fans next year."
We loved Persona 5 for the creative and expansive combination of the many gameplay systems and mechanics we encountered over the course of the game, as you can re-read in our review. If you haven't picked it up yet we strongly recommend the experience.