Dead Rising 4

Play as Dante, Mega-Man, and Sissel in Dead Rising 4

They're part of Capcom Heroes.

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The Capcom Heroes DLC is coming to Dead Rising 4, allowing you to play as several iconic Capcom characters in the game, or rather dress up as them instead. It's not just about looking super cool, though, as by doing this you will also have access to new abilities.

Capcom Heroes will be included in the new PS4 edition, Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package, coming on December 5. On the same day players will also be able to download the Capcom Heroes DLC for free on the PC and Xbox One versions, and Capcom promises "over a dozen characters" inspired by their games, a few of which are in action in the trailer below.

Which Capcom Hero is the highlight?

Dead Rising 4

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Dead Rising 4Score

Dead Rising 4

REVIEW. Written by Bengt Lemne

"In many ways, Dead Rising 4 steps even further away from the original game in terms of its structure."

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