The Division 2

Plenty of Resident Evil outfits coming for The Division 2

In total, there are 21 cosmetic pieces to unlock.

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Ubisoft often do cross-promotions in their games and now this is coming to The Division 2. During Capcom's Resident Evil livestream late last night, they revealed that classic Resident Evil outfits are going to be released for The Division 2 starting February 2 until the event ends on February 15.

You'll get the first bonus just by logging in to the game, which nets you Leon Kennedy's famous outfit from Raccoon Police outfit of Resident Evil 2 fame. You can also unlock Jill Valentine's classic outfit as well as Hunk's gear. In total, there are 21 pieces.

Check out a trailer for all this below. We this this is a brilliant idea, but would appreciate it even more if Ubisoft could please update the game for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.


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The Division 2Score

The Division 2

REVIEW. Written by Eirik Hyldbakk Furu

"A couple of faults don't detract from the fact that The Division 2 is one of, if not the, best looter-shooters in years."

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