Recently, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's expansions were revealed. The first takes us to the Kitakami region, while the second sees us travel to Blueberry Academy as exchange students. While the second expansion won't launch until Winter 2023, its legendary has already got a lot of fans talking.
While the image shown for Terapogos makes it look fairly small and cuddly, there is a theory going around that the legendary Pokémon could actually be huge.
As spotted by Mootmonthly over on Twitter, the shape of Terapogos looks a lot like the world map of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, which has made some believe that the legendary could be Paldea itself.
Another interesting detail is that on its shell, Terapogos has symbols relating to all the Pokémon types, which could indicate it being able to change its type.
Are you excited for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's expansions?