Quantum Break was shown off on stage during Microsoft's Gamescom press conference, and in the demo the new protagonist (portrayed by actor Shawn Ashmore) shows off a bunch of time-bending abilities, and they looked really impressive. If you were wondering what those abilities are individually, and how they work within the context of the game, help is at hand.
During a behind-closed-doors demonstration of the game at Gamescom, Game Director Sam Lake spoke to Dualshockers regarding these abilities, and revealed the complete list:
Time Blast: it breaks time in a focussed area with destructive results.
Time Rush: it allows running while time is frozen, escaping mortal danger.
Time Dodge: a quick dash out of harm's way.
Time Shield: a protective bubble that can deflect bullets.
Time Stop: freezes time in a focused area, including opponents and objects.
Each of these abilities have their own resource bars, and these recharge after use. Some of them take longer than others, and all are earned as the player progresses. You can watch these abilities in action via the trailer below. Quantum Break launches exclusively on Xbox One on April 5.