Mass Effect 4

Rumour: The new Mass Effect game isn't set to release until 2029

It's said to be on a similar timeline to Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, meaning there's still many years to go.

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While every N7 day fans get hyped about the upcoming release of a new Mass Effect, BioWare hasn't yet shown us anything substantial. If you're wondering why that is, well it's because the developer doesn't have much to show.

According to industry insider Jeff Grubb, the game is "nowhere near coming out." In the latest episode of Grubb's Game Mess Mornings podcast, he elaborated that the sci-fi RPG is on a similar timeline to Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, which also took years to complete.

It was confirmed that the game only left pre-production last year which does point to it being a while away. Still, we're not sure how many more cryptic N7 day teases we can get before fans start to go a bit rabid.

Would you be willing to wait until 2029 for Mass Effect 4?

Mass Effect 4

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