Soul Calibur VI

Setsuka is ready to fight in SoulCalibur VI tomorrow

The next fighter in the game's second season pass is dropping tomorrow.

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During the weekend, at the Japanese Fighting Game Publishers Roundtable, which was attended by some of the most important studios involved in the fighting game scene, it was announced that Setsuka will return to Soul Calibur VI soon. Tomorrow, in fact.

Holding a blade hidden in her parasol and full of desire for revenge, Setsuka unleashes her anger on those who stand in her path (which in SoulCalibur is basically everyone). Setsuka is part of the game's Season Pass 2, but you can purchase her as a single DLC character.

In addition to Setsuka, Season Pass 2 will also include new items for the Character Creation, which also includes some Tekken-themed items. Setsuka and the Character Creation Set will be available starting from tomorrow, August 4, on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Who would you like to see join Setsuka in this Season Pass?

Soul Calibur VI

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Soul Calibur VI

REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

"For newcomers it's a great opportunity to dip a toe in this legendary fighting series, and for older fans, it feels like a warm and lovely welcome back."

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