Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider post-credits scene changed

A new patch has made a slight tweak.

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People who have finished Shadow of the Tomb Raider will have noticed a post-credits scene at the end of the game (since this news piece is about said scene, beware of spoilers), but the day one patch actually changed the scene that players saw, as revealed by a user from the Tomb Raider Forums, who wondered why nobody discussed a specific letter shown at the end.

The user decided to play the game again and record the alternate ending, including the now-missing letter, and a discussion then ensued. Square Enix came back to offer an explanation for the change, which reads as follows

"During the course of development on Shadow of the Tomb Raider, multiple post-credits scenes were explored. Unfortunately one of the directions that was considered, but not chosen, was mistakenly included in the game. The Day One patch fixes this error, along with many other improvements. As always, we highly recommend that our players install the patch to enjoy the complete and most up-to-date experience."

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REVIEW. Written by Sam Bishop

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