Nintendo announced a new collaboration with the animation studio Aardman Animations, which will allow Shaun The Sheep to visit the world of Super Mario Maker. The partnership resulted in a level called "Shaun's Mossy Mole Mischief", which is inspired by the valley where Shaun lives.
After completing this level, the player will unlock a Mario skin inspired by the sheep itself. Daniel Efergan, Creative Director at Aardman, said the following about the partnership:
"Having grown up in a generation of technology that, due to its nature of exposing its inner workings, allowed you to build and adjust your own games - it's what inspired me and many here in Aardman's interactive team to do what we do. Super Mario Maker harks back to that age, inspiring a new generation of happy creators. To have one of our icons hanging out with one of our idols, and for such an exceptional project, is a dream come true."
The level "Shaun's Mossy Mole Mischief" will be available in Super Mario Maker tomorrow, June 3.